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The College of Agriculture, Junagadh started functioning in the month of June, 1960 with an admission capacity of 100 students. This college was the first Government Agricultural College in the Gujarat State. 
The college was affiliated to Gujarat University, Ahmedabad from its inception till the year 1967.  Subsequently, on establishment of Saurashtra University, Rajkot (1968) the affiliation was transferred to it. later on the college became a constituent College of the Gujarat Agricultural University (1972). Further with the split of Gujarat Agricultural University in 2004, the campus became a constituent of Junagadh Agricultural University from May 01, 2004.
The College has 13 Departments viz., Agronomy, Animal Science, Biochemistry, Genetics & Plant Breeding, Soil Science & Agril. Chemistry, Agril. Economics, Agril. Entomology, Agril. Extension,Farm Engineering, Horticulture, Plant Pathology, Agricultural Biotechnology and Seed Science and Technology.