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Six days vocational training on “Application of CAD in designing of agricultural equipment” during 16th-21st September, 2019 is going to be organized by the Dept. FMPE, CAET, JAU, Junagadh under Institutional Development Plan.

     Under Institutional Development Plan a six days vocational training on “Application of CAD in designing of agricultural equipment” during 16th-21stSeptember, 2019 is going to be organized by the Department of Farm Machinery and Power Engineering, College of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, JAU, Junagadh.

     The students of 5th and 7th semester (Agricultural Engineering) will be benefitted by this training. The said training will cover basics of CAD, 3D modeling and structural analysis of farm machineries using CREO parametric software. Students will get benefitted by performing various projects on agricultural applications like- design of implements, tools, machine elements, assembling of machine parts and machine design. The technical resource persons of the said training are from CADD Centre Training Services Pvt. Ltd., Junagadh (having MoU with Gujarat Technological University, Gujarat).
