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“Development of Taluka Scale Precise Crop Yield Prediction Application for Selected Districts of Gujarat Using Remote Sensing, AI, and Machine Learning” project approved under National Agricultural Science Fund by ICAR, New Delhi.

Under the adept leadership of Dr. V. P. Chovatia, Hon'ble Vice-Chancellor of Junagadh Agricultural University (JAU), and under the guidance of Dr. R. B. Madariya, the Director of Research, the research project proposal titled "Development of Taluka Scale Precise Crop Yield Prediction Application for Selected Districts of Gujarat Using Remote Sensing, AI, and Machine Learning" has been granted funding worth Rs. 75 Lakh under the National Agricultural Science Fund by ICAR, New Delhi. The proposal was submitted by the Research, Training and Testing Centre (RTTC), JAU, Junagadh with Dr. P. A. Pandya, Assistant Professor, serving as the Lead Centre PI, and Dr. G. V. Prajapati, Research Scientist (Agril. Engg), and Dr. D. J. Patel, Assistant Professor, as Co-PIs. Notably, this project is one among only 23 selected projects, with just two from Agricultural Universities out of a total of 1093 pre-proposals submitted across India. Dr. M. K. Tiwari from AAU and Dr. M. J. Kaledhonkar from IISWC-ICAR, Vasad, will act as cooperating Centre PIs in this collaborative endeavour.
