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Hon'ble Vice Chancellor Dr. V. P. Chovatiya visited the Fruit Research Station, Junagadh Agricultural University, Mangrol on November 07, 2022
જૂનાગઢ કૃષિ યુનિવર્સિટી, જૂનાગઢ ખાતે તા. ૨૧/૦૬/૨૦૨૨ ના રોજ રમત ગમત, યુવા અને સાંસ્કૃતિક વિભાગ, ગાંધીનગર, જિલ્લા વહીવટી તંત્ર, જૂનાગઢ તથા જૂનાગઢ કૃષિ યુનિવર્સિટીના સંયુક્ત ઉપક્રમે આઠમા આંતરરાષ્ટ્રીય યોગ દિવસની ઉજવણી જૂ.કૃ.યુ. ખાતે કરવામાં આવેલ.
Celebration of International Day of Yoga on June 21, 2022 at JAU, Junagadh.
28th Varsha Vigyan Parismvad was jointly organized by Varsha Vigyan Mandal, Junagadh and JAU, Junagadh at JAU on June 06, 2022
One Day programme on Aatmanirbhar Bharat Opportunities in Startup and MSME organized by CAET, JAU, Junagadh on March 28, 2022.
સુભાષ પાલેકર પ્રાકૃતિક કૃષિ તાલીમ કાર્યશાળાનું તા. 11-13 March, 2022 દરમ્યાન આયોજન.
Delegation from Indonesia visited JAU, Junagadh on February 21, 2022
Celebration of Republic Day by JAU, Junagadh
Pledge for National Voters' Day, January 25, 2022 taken by JAU employees as per the guideline of Election Commission of India in the presence of Hon'ble Vice-Chancellor Prof. (Dr.) Narendra Kumar Gontia and other university officers
Celebration of Swami Vivekanand Jayanti at JAU, Junagadh on January 12, 2022
Glimpse of visit of Prof. (Dr.) Virendra Kumar Tewari, Director of IIT, Kharagpur at JAU, Junagadh on January 08, 2022
Inauguration of Centre for Remote Sensing and Geoinformatics in Agriculture, Extension Building of Kasturba Girls Hostel and Girls Gymnasium Building at Junagadh Agricultural University, Junagadh on January 08, 2022
JAU celebrated Seventeenth Annual Convocation program with great joy and enthusiasm on January 08,2022 at Sardar Patel Sabhagruh, JAU, Junagadh (Part-2)
JAU celebrated Seventeenth Annual Convocation program with great joy and enthusiasm on January 08,2022 at Sardar Patel Sabhagruh, JAU, Junagadh (Part-1)
"એગ્રીકલ્ચરલ એજ્યુકેશન ડે"ની ઉજવણીના ભાગરૂપે વ્યાખ્યાન કાર્યક્રમ તેમજ એચ. ડી. એફ. સી. બેન્કના સહયોગથી બ્લડ ડોનેશન કેમ્પનું આયોજન
જૂનાગઢ કૃષિ યુનિવર્સિટી, જૂનાગઢ અને સ્પાર્ક મીડિયા, અમદાવાદના સંયુક્ત ઉપક્રમે આયોજીત એગ્રી ગુજરાત એક્ષ્પો – ૨૦૨૧ કૃષિ પ્રદર્શન
જૂનાગઢ કૃષિ યુનિવર્સિટી, જૂનાગઢ અને સ્પાર્ક મીડિયા, અમદાવાદના સંયુક્ત ઉપક્રમે આયોજીત એગ્રી ગુજરાત એક્ષ્પો – ૨૦૨૧ તા. ૧૯ થી ૨૧ નવેમ્બર, ૨૦૨૧નો ઉદ્ઘાટન કાર્યક્રમ
Tree Plantation Programme was organized by Cotton Research Station, JAU, Junagadh on July 31, 2021.
Centre of Excellence on Soil and Water Management, RTTC, JAU, Junagadh has organized a webinar "સજીવ ખેતી" on 11/06/2021.
Centre of Excellence on Soil and Water Management, RTTC, Junagadh Agricultural University, Junagadh has organized a webinar "ચોમાસા દરમ્યાન જમીનમાં ભેજ સંગ્રહશક્તિ વધારવા માટે વાવેતરની વિવિધ પધ્ધતિઓ" in collaboration with Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Gir Somnath
વર્ષા વિજ્ઞાન મંડળ અને જુ.કૃ.યુ., જુનાગઢના સંયુક્ત ઉપક્રમે આયોજીત ૨૭મો ઓનલાઈન વર્ષા વિજ્ઞાન પરિસંવાદ - તા. 07/06/2021.
Tree plantation programme was organized by JAU on Celebration of World Environment Day on June 05, 2021.
Five days online vocational training on Technological Advances in Captive Breeding and Health Management of Wild Animals was organized by College of Veterinary Science and A.H., JAU, Junagadh during March 15-19, 2021 under IDP.
Junagadh Agricultural University Staff Tennis Cricket Tournament-2021 was organized by Directorate of Students' Welfare, JAU, Junagadh During 11th to 14th March, 2021.
Sixteenth Annual Convocation of Junagadh Agricultural University held on February 06, 2021


Oilseed Res. Station, JAU, Junagadh has been adjudged as the Best Performing Groundnut Breeder Seed Producing Center for 2024-25 in the Annual Group Meeting of AICRP on Groundnut during 18-20 March, 2025 held at Rajasthan College of Agri.MPUAT, Udaipur.
The Technology and Machinery Demonstration Mela-2025 was organised by College of Agricultural Engineering & Technology, JAU, Junagadh on 20.03.2025.
સરદાર સ્મૃતિ કેન્દ્ર, જુનાગઢ રજત જયંતી એવોર્ડ યોજનામાં ભાગ લેવા માટેનું ઉમેદવારી પત્રક - “ખેતી પાકોમાં કાપણી પછીની માવજત અને મૂલ્યવર્ધન” વર્ષ: ૨૦૨૪-૨૫
JAU has been rated 5-Star by the Gujarat State Institutional Rating Framework (GSIRF).
The India Today Rankings-2024 recently announced. Junagadh Agricultural University, the only Government University from Gujarat ranked 31st at National level.
College of Agril. Engineering and Technology, JAU, Junagadh improved its ranking at National Level, In National Ranking of CSR-GHRDC Engineering Colleges Survey-2024.
JAU has been awarded 7th rank among all the State Agricultural Universities of India and 2nd rank in State by Educationworld, India Higher Education Ranking 2023-24.
College of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, JAU, Junagadh improved its ranking at National Level. In National Ranking of CSR-GHRDC Engineering Colleges Survey 2022.
In Gujarat State Institutional Rating Framework (GSIRF) 2021-22 Junagadh Agricultural University got 5th position
